40 Champions – 40 Years of Hope
To celebrate AID Atlanta’s 40th Anniversary, we are recognizing 40 Champions for 40 Years of Hope!
Look out for our #40for40 posts each Wednesday on your favorite social media platform to celebrate these legendary #ChampionsOfHope with us! Keep reading to learn what these incredible people mean to us and our #AIDAtlanta community. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has changed, grown, and morphed over the past four decades, and AID Atlanta has evolved to meet the changing needs of the Atlanta community. In the face of overwhelming odds, our #ChampionsOfHope forged new paths, build where there was nothing, lobbied, marched, fought, cried, died, thrived, and survived to force the world to see and care for people in Atlanta living with HIV/AIDS. Our people mattered then, now, and in the future.We believe that a Champion is not defined by length of time or tenure of service to the community, but by the way in which their service was helpful, needed, and exemplary. We believe its the Champion’s lasting impact that makes the difference.
This year, we honor the legacy and impact of our #ChampionsOfHope on people living with/at risk for HIV/AIDS, on AID Atlanta’s legacy, and on the AIDS epidemic in Greater Atlanta, Georgia, our nation, and our world. We hope that these Champions will inspire a whole new generation to stand against stigma and end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, once and for all!
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